Activity creates much smoke around you, it raises much dust around you hence all activity has to be dropped, at least for a few hours per day. When you are engaged in activity you are so occupied that you cannot see yourself. When you are utterly relaxed, for the first time you start feeling your reality you come face to face with your being. It is not concentration, just the contrary, it is relaxation. And one has to keep aware that it is falling into deeper and deeper rest. One has not to be serious about it – be serious and you miss. 'One has to be very playful about meditation, one has to learn to enjoy it as fun. Hence this is something very fundamental to be understood that meditation is not effort. It cannot be opened by effort because effort creates tension – and tension is the cause of our whole misery. When you are in such a deep rest that nothing stirs in you, when all action as such ceases – as if you are fast asleep yet awake – you come to know who you are. 'Meditation is rest, absolute rest, a full stop to all activity – physical, mental, emotional.